DDC Logistics
Freight & Logistics Services · Texas, United States · <25 Employees
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701 Hanover Dr Ste 400, Grapevine, Texas, 76051...Phone Number
(817) 421-2125Website
<$5 MillionIndustry
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Who is DDC Logistics
DDC Logistics, Inc is a last mile service provider servicing Texas, Mississippi and Tennessee. From our Dallas office we service East and West Texa s, Southern Oklahoma and the Shreveport, Louisiana area. From our Jackson office we service greater Mississippi and the Northeastern side of Louisiana. Our Memphis office provides pickup and delivery service to the greater Memphis area and the northern area of Mississippi. We also offer two daily line haul services to and from Memphis, TN and Jackson, MS. We offer warehousing and distribution services in all three of our locations. As we continue to grow, we strive to improve our services in an effort to create and develop long partnerships with our customers, vendors, and local communities. Customer service, our primary goal, is achieved by employing a professional, friendly staff, both on the road and in the office. We maintain a warehouse, truck fleet, and staff that will meet all of your delivery requests. To meet the needs of a rapidly changing business environment, DDC Logistics, Inc will strive to offer our clients new transportation solutions with an even higher level of customer service. Moving your freight in the time-frame you demand, with the proper care and attention required is what we specialize in. There is no better way to solve your transportation needs than with DDC Logistics, Inc.Read more
Popular SearchesDDC Logistics IncBestway Delivery ServiceSIC Code 42,421NAICS Code 49,492Show moreDDC Logistics Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DDC Logistics
DDC Logistics, Inc is a last mile service provider servicing Texas, Mississippi and Tennessee. From our Dallas office we service East and West Texas, Southern Oklahoma and the Shreveport, Louisiana area. From our Jackson office we service greater Mississippi and the Northeastern side of Louisiana. Our Memphis office provides pickup and delivery ser... Read More