The Congressional Insider is a proud American publication dedicated to news coverage surrounding our elected officials, politics, daily happenings, and current events that affect our way of life in the United States. We are committed to defending our Constitutional rights to free speech and freedom of the press, both for our generation and those to come. If youre looking for a publication that shares your values as a patriotic American, youre in the right place. Every day, our team combs the internet for important news stories you need to know about. We report them to you with fairness and integrity so youre fueled with knowledge as you go about your day. Whether youre commuting to work or sitting down with a cup of coffee, our stories are straightforward so you can get the facts, then get back to business. Reliable reporting is more important today than ever before. The mainstream media is notorious for spinning news to fit an agenda, but we wont do that here. Instead, well report the news as we see it. Well bring buried headlines to the surface so you can stay informed. Rather than hiding the truth in favor of political bias, well report with trustworthiness. Concerned about the state of our American liberties? Want to receive watchdog-style reports on Congress, political candidates, elections, and prominent lawmakers in this country? Looking for a source dedicated to keeping you up to date on the latest stories? We can help. Keep an eye on your inbox for the latest news and special reports from our team. Well deliver them straight to you. Like what youre reading? Then reach out and let us know! You can simply hit reply on an email from us, or send a message to today(at) We would love to hear from you.Read more
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