Communications Equity Associates
Finance · Florida, United States · 46 Employees
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101 E Kennedy Blvd Ste 3300, Tampa, Florida, 33...Phone Number
(813) 226-8844Website
$10.6 MillionIndustry
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Who is Communications Equity Associates
Founded in 1973, CEA is a leading provider of investment banking services. With a team of experienced personnel worldwide, CEA has an unequaled dep th and breadth of industry knowledge, expertise and long-standing industry relationships. CEA has completed over 900 transactions totaling $45 billion in 60 countries. CEA's reputation and track record of success are built on delivering innovative, value-added solutions and services to clients worldwide. CEA also has significant investment interests in hi-growth technology areas like Cyber and Space.Read more
Popular SearchesCommunications Equity Associates LLCCommunications Equity AssociatesCEA GroupCEA International LLPCEA International LLCSIC Code 62,621NAICS Code 52,523Show moreCommunications Equity Associates Org Chart
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Jeff Snyder Joins IMCI Technologies as Senior Advisor
TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #ceagroup--CEA Group announces Senior Advisor of Cyber Security, Jeff Snyder, has been appointed to IMCI Technologies as a Senior AdvisorCEA GROUP CELEBRATES ITS 50TH YEAR
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TAMPA, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–MCPC and CyberStratos execute growth agreement to scale its distinct Chain-of-Custody data integrity platform. The Cleveland-based endpoint management... Read More The post MCPC And CyberStratos Execute Growth Agreement appeared first on citybiz.MCPC and CyberStratos Execute Growth Agreement to Scale its Distinct Chain-of-Custody Data Integrity Platform
TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #cyberriskmanagement--MCPC and CyberStratos Execute Growth Agreement to Scale its Distinct Chain-of-Custody Data Integrity Platform
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Communications Equity Associates
Founded in 1973, CEA is a leading provider of investment banking services. With a team of experienced personnel worldwide, CEA has an unequaled depth and breadth of industry knowledge, expertise and long-standing industry relationships. CEA has completed over 900 transactions totaling $45 billion in 60 countries. CEA's reputation and track record o... Read More