Claude Moore Charitable Foundation
Hospitals & Physicians Clinics · Virginia, United States · <25 Employees
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11350 Random Hills Rd Ste 730, Fairfax, Virgini...Phone Number
(703) 934-1147Revenue
<$5 MillionIndustry
Who is Claude Moore Charitable Foundation
THE CLAUDE MOORE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION is a Virginia Charitable Trust established by Dr. Claude Moore to enhance educational opportunities in the C ommonwealth. The Foundation awards grants only to charitable, educational and cultural institutions exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code. We specifically seek to help the talented and underprivileged of our society to maximize their educational development through literacy and advanced academic pursuits. We will continue to support the advocacy work of longstanding grantees, particularly now as governments reduce funding affecting our region's most vulnerable residents and the systems that serve them. In 2015, our total giving was $3,638,465 in grants to more than 71 nonprofits. We continue to focus our funding on nonprofits which we have a long standing relationship and we do not expect our grantmaking to increase significantly in the coming years. We are also deeply concerned about the financial challenges facing nonprofit organizations in this fiscal climate and we continue to talk with nonprofits about how they are managing. We continue our efforts to help grantees find sustainable sources of income. We are pleased to be working with other funders on a number of endeavors, including a regional approach to addressing growth and community needs. Some of the successes include: Inova Nursing Scholarships - The vision of this program is to achieve a highly educated nursing workforce, to create a pipeline of new nurses that have an increased knowledge base and competencies in clinical practice areas. In 2014 Inova nursing implemented a policy requiring all nurses to have at minimum a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) by the end of 2019 unless they have 20+ years of nursing experience. In 2015, the program awarded 30 scholarships from this grant to assist nurses to obtain their BSN. Virginia Mentoring Partnership (VMP) - VVMP is an active part of Quality-Based Membership (QBM) as part of a national research study led by MENTOR, their national ...Read more
Popular SearchesClaude Moore Charitable FoundationClaude MooreThe Claude Moore Charitable FounClaudemoorefoundation OrgThe Claude Moore CharitableSIC Code 67,673NAICS Code 81,813Show moreClaude Moore Charitable Foundation Org Chart
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Claude Moore Opportunities is separate from the private philanthropic organization but will reflect its mission to give participants a 'leg up, rather than a handout.' FAIRFAX, Va., June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Claude Moore Charitable Foundation (CMCF), a private funding organization...New College Institute Awarded Grant from Claude Moore Charitable Foundation
Martinsville, VA, July 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Claude Moore Charitable Foundation has awarded New College Foundation a $60,000 grant to support New College Institute in program development that will build and strengthen the healthcare workforce in southern Virginia and across the Commonwealth.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Claude Moore Charitable Foundation
THE CLAUDE MOORE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION is a Virginia Charitable Trust established by Dr. Claude Moore to enhance educational opportunities in the Commonwealth. The Foundation awards grants only to charitable, educational and cultural institutions exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code. We specifically seek to help the talented and und... Read More