Bella Ella Boutique
Apparel & Accessories Retail · Utah, United States · 28 Employees
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1197 S 1480 W, Orem, Utah, 84058, United StatesPhone Number
(801) 224-0390Website
$8.6 MillionIndustry
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Who is Bella Ella Boutique
Bella Ella Boutique is an Affordable Women's Clothing Boutique headquartered in American Fork, Utah. Started in 2010 with a single store in Lehi, U tah, Bella Ella Boutique has grown to six retail locations and a full service website. Currently, our locations are spread throughout Utah County, Utah. We will soon be adding locations in Salt Lake City and beyond. Bella Ella Boutique strives to understand and serve every customer personally. Our highest priority is to become friends with everyone that walks in our stores and provide a comfortable shopping experience while helping every customer to find the style they want. You may come looking for some clothing, but you will leave with some style and friends that will be there for you when you're ready for more.Read more
Popular SearchesBella Ella Boutique LLCBella Ella BoutiqueBella EllaElla BoutiqueBellaella LtdSIC Code 56,562NAICS Code 45,458Show moreBella Ella Boutique Org Chart
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Bella Ella Boutique News & Media
Bella Ella Boutique Announces $2,500 Women's Empowerment Scholarship
Bella Ella Boutique, a fashion boutique based in Orem, Utah and online that offers hand-picked, high-quality fashions, proudly announce the opening of the Bella Ella Boutique 2020 Empowerment Scholarship. Bella Ella will award one $2,500 scholarship to a woman who demonstrates how she has overcome obstacles in life to achieve her dreams.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bella Ella Boutique
Bella Ella Boutique is an Affordable Women's Clothing Boutique headquartered in American Fork, Utah. Started in 2010 with a single store in Lehi, Utah, Bella Ella Boutique has grown to six retail locations and a full service website. Currently, our locations are spread throughout Utah County, Utah. We will soon be adding locations in Salt Lake City... Read More