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Bay Marine Supply

Automobile Dealers · California, United States · <25 Employees

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5980 Fairmount Ave Ste 103, San Diego, Californ...

Phone Number

(619) 320-5899


<$5 Million


Motor Vehicle Dealers Retail

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Who is Bay Marine Supply

Bay Marine Supply is based in San Diego, California, and specializes in electrical and refrigeration equipment for boats, RVs, and off-grid solar installations. We are a stocking distributor for Sterling Power and Victron Energy, and an authorized dealer for a wide variety of brands. All of our staff are active sailors, and we are familiar not only with all of our products, but with the design, installation, and service of marine and RV systems. Our goal is to give you the personalized service that you might not get at the mega-stores, and we're happy to work with you on your equipment choices, both before and after your purchase. While we'd really rather be sailing, we totally enjoy bringing our knowledge - and great service - to the marine parts marketplace. You can tell from our customer feedback. A note on our prices: we think boating (and RVing and solar installations) cost too darn much! And since we don't have a lot of overhead, and we're privately owned, we're in a position toRead more
Bay Marine Supply's Social MediaPopular SearchesBay Marine SupplyMarine SupplySan Diego Bay MarineSan Diego Bay Marine - OtayBay MarineSIC Code 55,555NAICS Code 44,441Show more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bay Marine Supply

Where is Bay Marine Supply located?
Bay Marine Supply's headquarters are located at 5980 Fairmount Ave Ste 103, San Diego, California, 92120, United States
What is Bay Marine Supply's phone number?
Bay Marine Supply's phone number is (619) 320-5899
What is Bay Marine Supply's official website?
Bay Marine Supply's official website is www.baymarinesupply.com
What is Bay Marine Supply's Revenue?
Bay Marine Supply's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Bay Marine Supply's SIC code?
Bay Marine Supply's SIC: 55,555
What is Bay Marine Supply's NAICS code?
Bay Marine Supply's NAICS: 44,441
How many employees does Bay Marine Supply have?
Bay Marine Supply has <25 employees
What industry does Bay Marine Supply belong to?
Bay Marine Supply is in the industry of: Motor Vehicle Dealers, Retail
What is Bay Marine Supply competition?
Bay Marine Supply top competitors include: Custom Marine Products, DC Marine Systems, Solar Marine Supply, Heritage Marine Electrical
What technology does Bay Marine Supply use?
Some of the popular technologies that Bay Marine Supply uses are: Cloudflare Website Optimization, Cloudflare CDN, MailChimp, LiveChat
How do I contact Bay Marine Supply?
Bay Marine Supply contact info: Phone number: (619) 320-5899 Website: www.baymarinesupply.com
What does Bay Marine Supply do?

Bay Marine Supply is based in San Diego, California, and specializes in electrical and refrigeration equipment for boats, RVs, and off-grid solar installations. We are a stocking distributor for Sterling Power and Victron Energy, and an authorized dealer for a wide variety of brands. All of our staff are active sailors, and we are familiar not only... with all of our products, but with the design, installation, and service of marine and RV systems. Our goal is to give you the personalized service that you might not get at the mega-stores, and we're happy to work with you on your equipment choices, both before and after your purchase. While we'd really rather be sailing, we totally enjoy bringing our knowledge - and great service - to the marine parts marketplace. You can tell from our customer feedback. A note on our prices: we think boating (and RVing and solar installations) cost too darn much! And since we don't have a lot of overhead, and we're privately owned, we're in a position to do something about it. We do get asked quite often if our prices are real, and the answer is yes, though we'll be happy to raise them on request. Just drop us an e-mail or call us at 619-320-5899. We can get pretty busy at times, but leave us a message and we will get back to you in very short order - usually in less than an hour. Our mailing address is: Bay Marine Supply 1069 Shafter St. San Diego, CA 92106 Thanks for visiting -Read More

What are Bay Marine Supply social media links?
Bay Marine Supply Linkedin page Bay Marine Supply Facebook page
Is Bay Marine Supply a public company?
Bay Marine Supply is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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