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Aurora City Schools

Education · Ohio, United States · 176 Employees

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109 W Pioneer Trl 8, Aurora, Ohio, 44202, Unite...

Phone Number

(330) 954-2008


$14.4 Million


K-12 Schools Education

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Jan 25 2025
Facilities Relocation / Expansion
Jan 6 2024
Facilities Relocation / Expansion
Aurora City Schools is planning to move offices in May 2024. The move will impact approximately 7 employees at the existing office located at 102 E Garfield Rd, Aurora, OH.
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Who is Aurora City Schools

Aurora -- Resident Bruce Harris, who devotes his time to helping provide food to those who need it, says places like the Aurora Food Pantry for Volunteers of America are more likely to receive food donations on holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. But food isn't as readily available when it's not a holiday. "But people have to eat every day," he said, adding there are about 700 people in Aurora who need food but can't always afford it. "There are times during the year when the food runs perilously low," he said. "How can we resolve those issues? We had to look at the non-traditional giver. The answer is sizeable corporations." Harris' plan to collect food for the needy is called Food2Share, a name Harris created and is in the process of trademarking. Food2Share is a program that runs year-long and works with businesses of 50 or more employees. Only the Food2Share program targets the specific food shortages of the food pantry and schedules food drives at businesses so thatRead more
Aurora City Schools's Social MediaPopular SearchesAurora City SchoolsAurora SchoolsAurora High SchoolCraddock Elementary SchoolHarmon Middle SchoolSIC Code 82,821NAICS Code 61,611Show more

Aurora City Schools Org Chart

Paul Powers

Athletic Director, Facilities Management

Michael Maglionico

Director, Special Services



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aurora City Schools

Where is Aurora City Schools located?
Aurora City Schools's headquarters are located at 109 W Pioneer Trl 8, Aurora, Ohio, 44202, United States
What is Aurora City Schools's phone number?
Aurora City Schools's phone number is (330) 954-2008
What is Aurora City Schools's official website?
Aurora City Schools's official website is www.aurora-schools.org
What is Aurora City Schools's Revenue?
Aurora City Schools's revenue is $14.4 Million
What is Aurora City Schools's SIC code?
Aurora City Schools's SIC: 82,821
What is Aurora City Schools's NAICS code?
Aurora City Schools's NAICS: 61,611
How many employees does Aurora City Schools have?
Aurora City Schools has 176 employees
What industry does Aurora City Schools belong to?
Aurora City Schools is in the industry of: K-12 Schools, Education
What is Aurora City Schools competition?
Aurora City Schools top competitors include: Capac Community Schools, Goshen Local School District, Alvord Unified School District, Wasatch High School
What technology does Aurora City Schools use?
Some of the popular technologies that Aurora City Schools uses are: goo.gl, Google Website Translator, Google Universal Analytics, Cloudflare CDN
How do I contact Aurora City Schools?
Aurora City Schools contact info: Phone number: (330) 954-2008 Website: www.aurora-schools.org
What does Aurora City Schools do?

Aurora -- Resident Bruce Harris, who devotes his time to helping provide food to those who need it, says places like the Aurora Food Pantry for Volunteers of America are more likely to receive food donations on holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. But food isn't as readily available when it's not a holiday. "But people have to eat ever... y day," he said, adding there are about 700 people in Aurora who need food but can't always afford it. "There are times during the year when the food runs perilously low," he said. "How can we resolve those issues? We had to look at the non-traditional giver. The answer is sizeable corporations." Harris' plan to collect food for the needy is called Food2Share, a name Harris created and is in the process of trademarking. Food2Share is a program that runs year-long and works with businesses of 50 or more employees. Only the Food2Share program targets the specific food shortages of the food pantry and schedules food drives at businesses so that food comes to the pantry on a consistent basis. "In Aurora, we located 16 companies that might want to have a food drive," he said. "We scheduled them so every week a different company is giving food. The Aurora Food Pantry picks up the food." Harris began approaching Aurora companies in October. "Every company that saw us said yes," he said. "Most are donating two times a year." In addition, those companies -- and everyone involved in donating -- know specifically what food is needed by going to the website at www.food2share.org/aurora, where a list appears. Harris gives website access to the food pantry so its representatives can post the needs each week. For example, the list of food needs for the week of Oct. 28 included stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, canned sweet potatoes, turkey gravy (cans or jars), Jello and pudding mixes, hot roll mix, canned fruits & vegetables, and canned pumpkin (for pie). The website is posted by Christ Community Chapel in Aurora. "There is a big disconnect from what is ...Read More

What are Aurora City Schools social media links?
Aurora City Schools Linkedin page Aurora City Schools Twitter page Aurora City Schools Facebook page
Is Aurora City Schools a public company?
Aurora City Schools is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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