Al Karamah School
Education · United Arab Emirates · 291 Employees
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Al Karamah St, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesPhone Number
+971 24121999Website
$12.2 MillionIndustry
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Who is Al Karamah School
An individual diagnosed with Autism often has challenges with their social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. As a l ife-long condition, Autism can vary largely with some individuals developing their skillset quickly with ease, and others having greater challenges and difficultly. One thing that is consistent across the Autism spectrum however is the four development areas. As a life-long condition, Autism can vary largely with some individuals developing their skillset quickly with ease, and others having greater challenges and difficultly. One thing that is consistent across the Autism spectrum however is the four development areas. The below areas can impact on a young persons emotional understanding and presentation, independence and community participation, learning abilities, social success and overall sense of belonging. Restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities (e.g. speech, motor movements, use of objects, intense interests in topics) The below areas can impact on a young persons emotional understanding and presentation, independence and community participation, learning abilities, social success and overall sense of belonging. Restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities (e.g. speech, motor movements, use of objects, intense interests in topics) Our school has been architecturally designed to offer both outdoor and indoor learning facilities and therapeutic environments which are specially designed for our students unique needs. Individuals with Autism require regular movement and sensory breaks, so we have curated four sensory rooms, sensory circuits, sensory paths and three therapeutic workrooms. Our playgrounds have also been carefully designed and arranged throughout the school so that movement breaks are easily accessible and never overcrowded. Our school has been architecturally designed to offer both outdoor and indoor learning facilities and therapeutic environments which are specially designed for our ...Read more
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An individual diagnosed with Autism often has challenges with their social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. As a life-long condition, Autism can vary largely with some individuals developing their skillset quickly with ease, and others having greater challenges and difficultly. One thing that is consistent across th... Read More