Actors' Equity
Hospitality · New York, United States · 31 Employees
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165 W 46th St, New York City, New York, 10036, ...Phone Number
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Who is Actors' Equity
Founded in 1913, Actors' Equity Association is a labor union organization that specializes in acting. It offers Live, Professional Theatre Performi ng Arts, Broadway, Touring, Regional Theater, Actors, Stage Managers, Equity Deputies, and many more. Headquartered in New York, New York.Read more
Popular SearchesActors' Equity FoundationActors Equity FoundationWww ActorsequityfoundationSIC Code 79,792NAICS Code 71,711Show moreActors' Equity Org Chart
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Actors' Equity News & Media
Actors' Equity Association Authorizes Development Strike Against The Broadway League
The National Council of Actors' Equity Association, the labor union representing more than 51,000 professional actors and stage managers in live theatre, has voted unanimously to authorize a strike against The Broadway League for work on the Development Agreement. This step does not begin a strike, but it empowers Equity to call one should it become strategically necessary.Actors' Equity signals possible strike with 'Jagged Little Pill' leafleting - Chicago Sun-Times
The union representing professional actors and stage managers across the country are calling attention to a possible strike that would affect all Equity Broadway touring productions currently on the road.'Hamilton' actors warn of a potential strike ahead of shows at Richmond's Altria Theater
Over a dozen actors and stage managers from the touring production of “Hamilton” handed out leaflets outside the Altria Theater before Tuesday night’s opening performance of the Broadway hit, warning of the possibility of an upcoming strike.Actors’ Equity to Add Producer Garth Drabinsky to “Do Not Work” List After ‘Paradise Square’ Cast Speaks Out (Exclusive)
Broadway cast members requested this action after reports of owed payments and benefits, including as recently as Thursday.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Actors' Equity
Founded in 1913, Actors' Equity Association is a labor union organization that specializes in acting. It offers Live, Professional Theatre Performing Arts, Broadway, Touring, Regional Theater, Actors, Stage Managers, Equity Deputies, and many more. Headquartered in New York, New York.... Read More