Top 10 Pulp & Paper manufacturing companies in Russia by revenue for January 2025
Listed below are the leading companies in Russia by revenue as of January 2025. With $418.7M in revenue, Persil Kazakhstan is
ranked first on the list, followed by Murashinskiy Plywood Plant
with $41.5M in revenue and Картонно-Бумажный комбинат
with $36.3M in revenue.
Find additional information about some of the biggest companies in Russia such as their contact details,
employees, location, org chart, news and much more.
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you can select two top-rated companies and see their general company information which includes details
such as total number of employees, revenue, as well as additional details.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Top 10 Pulp & Paper manufacturing companies in Russia by revenue for January 2025
Which is the top company in Russia by revenue? The leading company in Russia by revenue is Persil Kazakhstan, with $418.7M in revenue Who are the top companies in Russia by revenue? The top companies in Russia by revenue are Persil Kazakhstan, Murashinskiy Plywood Plant and Картонно-Бумажный комбинат Is Persil Kazakhstan the biggest company in the world? Persil Kazakhstan is the top company in Russia by revenue, with $418.7M in revenue Is Murashinskiy Plywood Plant the biggest company in the world? Murashinskiy Plywood Plant is the second largest company in Russia by revenue, with $41.5M in revenue Is Persil Kazakhstan the largest company by revenue? Persil Kazakhstan is the largest company by revenue, with $418.7M in revenue What is Persil Kazakhstan's revenue? Persil Kazakhstan's revenue is $418.7M What is Murashinskiy Plywood Plant's revenue? Murashinskiy Plywood Plant's revenue is $41.5M What is Картонно-Бумажный комбинат's revenue? Картонно-Бумажный комбинат's revenue is $36.3M