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United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Employee Directory

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime corporate office is located in International Center 5 Wagramer St, Vienna, Vienna, 1400, Austria and has 376 employees.

Employees by Department


Number of employees





Information Technology


Human Resources






Engineering & Technical


Key Employees of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America106
South America27

Index of contact profiles from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Contact Name
Contact Info
Job Title
Last Update

Former Employees at United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Explore people who held key positions, contributed to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's success, and advanced their careers.

  1. Manager PMER at Dost Foundation

    Worked as Mentor and Supervisor Individual Consultant

    at United Nations Office on Drugs and C... (2022-2022)

    email Azaz Din Email direct Azaz Din Direct
  2. Senior Manager, Delive... at Onix Networking

    Worked as Global Team Lead

    at United Nations Office on Drugs and C... (2013-2020)

    email Nilima Agarwal Email direct Nilima Agarwal Direct
  3. Worked as Advocacy Intern

    at United Nations Office on Drugs and C... (2016-2016)

    email Sarah ElHawary Email direct Sarah ElHawary Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Employees

How many employees does United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime have?
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has 376 employees
Who are United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime key employees?
Some of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime key employees are Girish Sinha, Ilene Cohn, Minona Ciuca, Jeffrey Roper, Vladimir Ibragimov
Where is United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime located?
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s headquarters are located at International Center 5 Wagramer St, Vienna, Vienna, 1400, Austria
How do I contact United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime?
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Contact Info: Phone number: +43 1260605350 Website: www.unodc.org
What does United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime do?

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a United Nations office that was established in 1997 as the Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention by combining the United Nations International Drug Control Program (UNDCP) and the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division in the United Nations Office at Vienna.... Read More

Is United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime a public company?
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Employees

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