TIFRA Telecom Constructions & Services corporate office is located in Turbhe, Maharashtra, 400703, India and has 70 employees.
tifra telecom constructions & services
tifra telecom
tifra telecom constructions & services
Location | People at location |
Asia | 5 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to TIFRA Telecom Constructions & Services's success, and advanced their careers.
Network Engineer at Dynacons Systems & Sol...
Worked as Telecommunications Engineer
at TIFRA Telecom Constructions & Servic... (2019-2020)
Worked as Transmission Engineer
at TIFRA Telecom Constructions & Servic... (2011-2015)
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TIFRA Telecom Constructions & Services is a company that operates in the Management Consulting industry. It employs 50to99 people and has 10Mto25M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Turbhe, Maharashtra, India.... Read More