The International Foreign Students Union corporate office is located in Rue Saint-denis, Montreal, Canada and has 61 employees.
the international foreign students union
international student union
cornell international students union - isu
the international students union
Location | People at location |
North America | 1 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to The International Foreign Students Union's success, and advanced their careers.
Software Engineer at Cornell Cup Robotics
Worked as Project Coordinator
at The International Foreign Students U... (2022-2024)
Technology Consultant at EY
Worked as President
at The International Foreign Students U... (2021-2022)
Strategic Account Mana... at ROKT
Worked as Vice President of Student Org Funding, Lead Or...
at The International Foreign Students U... (2017-2019)
Software Engineering &... at Facebook
Worked as Finance Team Member
at The International Foreign Students U... (2017-2018)
Federal Enterprise Acc... at Qualtrics
Worked as Executive Board Member
at The International Foreign Students Union
Outdoor Odyssey Guide at Cornell Outdoor Educat...
Worked as Finance Board Member
at The International Foreign Students Union
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Structure: Within Next FEW MONTHS, we with your help and support will continue expansion of This International Foreign Students Union in addition to those planned unions by the next order (Unless there is a huge urgent demand about a certain union!): The International Professors (& Docents or Assistant Professors) Union, The International Lecturers... Read More