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Tarbela Industries Pvt Employee Directory

Tarbela Industries Pvt corporate office is located in Liberty Round Gulberg Iii, Lahore, Punjab, 77667, Pakistan and has 17 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tarbela Industries Pvt Employees

How many employees does Tarbela Industries Pvt have?
Tarbela Industries Pvt has 17 employees
Who are Tarbela Industries Pvt key employees?
Some of Tarbela Industries Pvt key employees are Munawar Naser, Abdulrehman Shamozai
Where is Tarbela Industries Pvt located?
Tarbela Industries Pvt’s headquarters are located at Liberty Round Gulberg Iii, Lahore, Punjab, 77667, Pakistan
How do I contact Tarbela Industries Pvt?
Tarbela Industries Pvt Contact Info: Phone number: +92 4235774032 Website: www.tarbelaindustries.com
What does Tarbela Industries Pvt do?

Tarbela Industries Pvt Ltd was established in 25.06.1989. Tarbela Industries Pvt Ltd manufatures PVC Compound, PVC Hose and PVC Footwear. Until 1989, GadoonAmazai was a remote area where heroin was cultivated. To abolish the cultivation of heroin and to promote development in this area, the government converted it into an industrial area. It gave i... ncentives to aspiring entrepreneurs to set up their businesses in Gadoon. These incentives included no sales tax, no income tax and no custom duties for a period of 10 years. The electricity was also low as compared to other industrial states. Furthermore, the markup was only 3%. Due to these incentives, Tarbela Industries was set up and has flourished since then. Tarbela Industries imported their machinery from Italy and Taiwan.Delivering on time and on Budgethas always been Tarbela Industries Pvt Ltd goal to deliver the safest and highest quality products and services available. The objects for which the Company has been established are all or any of the following (and in construing the following sub-clauses of the scope of no one of such sub-clauses shall be deemed to limit or effect the scope of any other such sub-clauses: (a) To set up factories for the manufacture of Footwear Products, Rubber and PVC footwear, PVC Compounds, PVC products of all kinds, hand-bags, picker hands and other similar accessories, bed covers, made wholly or in part of leather, rubber, canvas, fiber or any substitute thereof and to import, export, buy, sell, acquire, deal in stock, carry on repairs, alter, improve all kinds of merchantable coodities made of leather, canvas, rubber, fiber or anyone or more of such kindred materials. The production of Tarbela Industries takes place at GadoonAmazai. There are two plants for production and each plant is headed by an engineer who is responsible for the smooth functioning of the machinery and also for quality control. Due to an intense competition, it is not always possible to raise prices. Hence, profit is more dependent on low costs of ...Read More

Is Tarbela Industries Pvt a public company?
Tarbela Industries Pvt is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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