Sunkalp corporate office is located in Ananda Kalika Apartments 6 N.usman Road T.nagar 194/30, Thygarayanagar, Tamil Nadu, 600017, India and has 17 employees.
sankalp - the learning centre & special needs scho...
sankalp open school
Location | People at location |
Asia | 5 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Sunkalp's success, and advanced their careers.
Worked as School Principal
at Sunkalp (2021-2024)
Worked as Social Work Intern
at Sunkalp (2016-2016)
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The Sankalp Trust is a non-profit organization with 3 Founder Trustees and Four Additional Trustees who are all professionals. Sankalp is a Non-Profitable Charitable Trust and enjoys the benefit of 80G under the income tax rules. The Trust is registered under the National Trust and Commissioner for Disability under Government of Tamil Nadu. Current... Read More