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Strategic insurance systems Employee Directory

Strategic insurance systems corporate office is located in 30 Alexandra Rd, Centurion, Gauteng, 0178, South Africa and has 26 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Strategic insurance systems Employees

How many employees does Strategic insurance systems have?
Strategic insurance systems has 26 employees
Who are Strategic insurance systems key employees?
Some of Strategic insurance systems key employees are Rika Basson, Mike Macindoe
Where is Strategic insurance systems located?
Strategic insurance systems’s headquarters are located at 30 Alexandra Rd, Centurion, Gauteng, 0178, South Africa
How do I contact Strategic insurance systems?
Strategic insurance systems Contact Info: Phone number: +27 126672813 Website: www.stratsys.co.za
What does Strategic insurance systems do?

With Strategic Insurance Systems, we offer a unique solution in that we allow you, the Broker to take charge of your insurance brokerage like never before. Our system allows brokers complete policy management, including access to financial, policy and claims information, dating back to first inception of the policy. This access is via a unique brok... er secure profile. Other features include a diary reminder, file attachments handler, and many more useful features developed to serve our broker needs. The system can be accessed remotely thereby allowing full system usage from any location globally, so long as there is a dial-up or cell signal available. This broker focused approach has been mutually beneficial to both ourselves and our clients with unsurpassed integrity for more than 15 years, and we pride ourselves on our ability to offer our brokers real time. That is, instant decision making authority, quicker turnaround times, speedier settlement of claims and ultimate control over their portfolios thereby enhancing their service offering to their clients.Read More

Is Strategic insurance systems a public company?
Strategic insurance systems is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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