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Stewart Taylor Printing Employee Directory

Stewart Taylor Printing corporate office is located in 114 W Superior St, Duluth, Minnesota, 55802, United States and has 14 employees.

Key Employees of Stewart Taylor Printing

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    Clayton Kerr

    Chief Operating Officer

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Stewart Taylor Printing Global Presence

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North America8

Index of contact profiles from Stewart Taylor Printing

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Former Employees at Stewart Taylor Printing

Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Stewart Taylor Printing's success, and advanced their careers.

  1. Process Safety Lead (N... at Cargill

    Worked as Engineer and Business Strategist

    at Stewart Taylor Printing (2019-2020)

    email Julia Wiggen Email direct Julia Wiggen Direct
  2. Title at Duluth Sign

    Worked as Plant Manager. President

    at Stewart Taylor Printing (2003-2020)

    email Jim Olson Email direct Jim Olson Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stewart Taylor Printing Employees

How many employees does Stewart Taylor Printing have?
Stewart Taylor Printing has 14 employees
Who are Stewart Taylor Printing key employees?
Some of Stewart Taylor Printing key employees are Clayton Kerr
Where is Stewart Taylor Printing located?
Stewart Taylor Printing’s headquarters are located at 114 W Superior St, Duluth, Minnesota, 55802, United States
How do I contact Stewart Taylor Printing?
Stewart Taylor Printing Contact Info: Phone number: (218) 722-4421 Website: www.stcprint.com
What does Stewart Taylor Printing do?

After 142 years, Stewart-Taylor Printing has new owners, new technology and a new way of doing business. In June 1994, the company moved from its home of 68 years in a Michigan Street warehouse to a renovated storefront at 114 West Superior Street. In September 1994, the company's co-owner Rolly Nelson retired. In May 1995, the company's other owne... r, Dick Olson, retired and sold the business to his four children Tom, Jim, Bill and Barb Olson Payette. In September 1996, the company took delivery of a computerized four-color press that enables Stewart-Taylor to run high quality jobs on the newest printing technology available today. The company is operating at a new level of efficiency with all these changes. The advanced technology allows us to produce a high quality product at a more competitive rate. With a total of 10 presses, Stewart Taylor can do any kind of printing. The investment into high-end computers and graphic equipment allows Stewart-Taylor to be leader in the region for disc conversion typesetting and graphic manipulation. J'NT Printery a 2-color, quick print shop that offers photocopies, has gone from a separate business owned by Jim and Tom, to an arm of Stewart-Taylor. In the last two years the company has invested $2 million in improvements. The new owners praise their predecessor's dedication to building the company. Dick and Rolly owned this company for 20 years and during that time Stewart-Taylor gained respect in our community and we are benefiting from all their hard work.Read More

Is Stewart Taylor Printing a public company?
Stewart Taylor Printing is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Stewart Taylor Printing Employees

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