Smartek Sistem Indonesia corporate office is located in Mintareja Sarjana Hukum Bitc Building Jalan Hms Fl 2 Rm 1, Cimahi, West Java, 40521, Indonesia and has 16 employees.
smartek sistem indonesia
Location | People at location |
Asia | 4 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Smartek Sistem Indonesia's success, and advanced their careers.
Worked as UI & UX Designer
at Smartek Sistem Indonesia (2023-2024)
Worked as Staff CRM
at Smartek Sistem Indonesia (2023-2023)
Worked as UI & UX Designer & Student & Intern
at Smartek Sistem Indonesia (2020-2020)
Social Media Specialis... at PT Vodea Dwi Karsa
Worked as Digital Marketing Intern
at Smartek Sistem Indonesia (2020-2020)
Tecnical Writer at Lawencon Internasional
Worked as Junior System Analyst
at Smartek Sistem Indonesia (2020-2020)
Software Developer at Tujuh Sembilan
Worked as Full Stack Developer
at Smartek Sistem Indonesia (2018-2019)
Explore More
Smartek Sistem Indonesia is a company that operates in the Consumer Services industry. It employs 10to19 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia.... Read More