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Shimar Recycling Employee Directory

Shimar Recycling corporate office is located in 938 Harvest Rd, Durham, North Carolina, 27704, United States and has 10 employees.

Shimar Recycling Global Presence

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North America4

Key Employees of Shimar Recycling

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    Joe Lemanski

    President & Owner

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shimar Recycling Employees

How many employees does Shimar Recycling have?
Shimar Recycling has 10 employees
Who are Shimar Recycling key employees?
Some of Shimar Recycling key employees are Joe Lemanski
Where is Shimar Recycling located?
Shimar Recycling’s headquarters are located at 938 Harvest Rd, Durham, North Carolina, 27704, United States
How do I contact Shimar Recycling?
Shimar Recycling Contact Info: Phone number: (919) 680-6262 Website: www.shimar.com
What does Shimar Recycling do?

Since 1997, Shimar has managed to wade through volatile recycling markets to see the company quadruple its revenues and size. In 2000, it moved into a larger and more adequate recycling facility. This allowed it to increase market revenues for recycled materials which helps it keep customer's service fees affordable. In addition, this move allowed... it to expand the numbers and types of materials which can be collected from existing and prospective clients. This helps keep Triangle businesses and institutions on the cutting edge of waste reduction, thus making them responsible stewards of our precious environment. Shimar Recycling currently provides service to about 1600 businesses and continues to grow through referrals of its existing customer base. As it grows, it remains committed to the mission of providing the best recycling service to businesses and institutions in the Triangle area. The mission is to provide a professional and affordable recycling collection service for businesses and institutions in the Triangle, NC area, with an emphasis on customer satisfaction. In order to do so, Shimar acts as its client's recycling coordinator to help them optimize their recycling system and maximize the potential benefits of our service (e.g. cost savings, conservation of natural resources, and contributing to the development of a sustainable community). In addition, Shimar strives to provide a work environment that is safe, fun and provides opportunities for its employees to grow on a personal and a work level. Shimar Recycling is an equal opportunity employer.Read More

Is Shimar Recycling a public company?
Shimar Recycling is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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