Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica corporate office is located in 700 Jefferson St, Beaumont, Texas, 77701, United States and has 28 employees.
saint anthony cathedral basilica
st anthony cathedral basilica school
anthony cathedral basilica
st anthony cathedral basilica
the historic saint anthony cathedral basilica
st anthony cathedral school
Number of employees
Location | People at location |
North America | 5 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica's success, and advanced their careers.
Site Coordinator at Sunbelt Rentals
Worked as Maintenance
at Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica (2018-2021)
Substitute Teacher at Angleton Independent S...
Worked as Pre Kindergarten Teacher
at Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica (2019-2019)
Senior Graphic Artist at Outhouse Designs
Worked as Babysitter
at Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica (2013-2015)
Vice President, Sales at Valor Solar
Worked as Athletics Director and Computer Teacher
at Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica (2013-2015)
Attorney at Stevens Baldo & Lighty
Worked as Parish Finance Council
at Saint Anthony Cathedral Basilica
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St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica School is the oldest school in the Diocese of Beaumont and is firmly grounded in Catholic tradition. Guided by the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, the school is committed to bringing forth the message to all mankind the good news of Jesus Christ, that "God is Love. Each day begins and ends... Read More