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Portland Christian Schools Employee Directory

Portland Christian Schools corporate office is located in 12425 NE San Rafael St, Portland, Oregon, 97230, United States and has 106 employees.

Key Employees of Portland Christian Schools

Portland Christian Schools Global Presence

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North America46

Index of contact profiles from Portland Christian Schools

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Portland Christian Schools Employees

How many employees does Portland Christian Schools have?
Portland Christian Schools has 106 employees
Who is the CEO of Portland Christian Schools?
Portland Christian Schools’s CEO is
Who are Portland Christian Schools key employees?
Some of Portland Christian Schools key employees are Christy Seifert, Nathan Shotwell, Jeanne Lampi, Elizabeth Ennis, Elaine Kempenich
Where is Portland Christian Schools located?
Portland Christian Schools’s headquarters are located at 12425 NE San Rafael St, Portland, Oregon, 97230, United States
How do I contact Portland Christian Schools?
Portland Christian Schools Contact Info: Phone number: (503) 256-3960 Website: www.pcschools.org
What does Portland Christian Schools do?

Portland Christian Schools was launched in 1947 by a group of committed parents seeking to establish a Christian school presence in the Portland area. Today, 65 years later, the school excels in academics, athletics and the arts-- all within the context of a biblical worldview. PCS has become known as a school where students are transformed into Ch... ristian leaders, well prepared for the "next step" in Christian leadership. In fact, 98% of our high school graduates go on to college. 2. A Global Perspective The international student program at Portland Christian Schools began in 1986 and has developed over the years as a leading international student program among national high schools. Currently, 20% of our high school students come from other countries, bringing diversity and a comprehensive world view to our entire campus; as students interact their global perspective and understanding is enriched. Portland Christian's international program caters to six different levels of English proficiency, offering an experience that is "as alike as possible, as different as necessary" for our international students. 3. Winning Extra-curriculars: Athletics, Arts, Activities Portland Christian's unique advantage is that our school is large enough to provide a wide variety of activities, yet small enough that nearly everyone who wants to, can participate. We have recently secured State or League Championships in football, volleyball, soccer, basketball, track, baseball and chess. Organized sports programs begin as early as the third grade. Our award-winning Choir has earned 17 State Championships over the last 22 years and PC instrumentalists have garnered several individual awards and distinctions. PCS has a strong drama program. Our students have recently succeeded in both group and individual Regional and State Thespian competitions. 4. Comprehensive Early Childhood and Elementary Programs We focus on nurturing and growing our youngest students in the fundamentals they will need to succeed in school and in life. Our ...Read More

Is Portland Christian Schools a public company?
Portland Christian Schools is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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