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Phillips/Pilkington Architects Employee Directory

Phillips/Pilkington Architects corporate office is located in 165 Mackinnon Parade, North Adelaide, South Australia, 5006, Australia and has 10 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Phillips/Pilkington Architects Employees

How many employees does Phillips/Pilkington Architects have?
Phillips/Pilkington Architects has 10 employees
Who are Phillips/Pilkington Architects key employees?
Some of Phillips/Pilkington Architects key employees are Susan Phillips, Michael Pilkington
Where is Phillips/Pilkington Architects located?
Phillips/Pilkington Architects’s headquarters are located at 165 Mackinnon Parade, North Adelaide, South Australia, 5006, Australia
How do I contact Phillips/Pilkington Architects?
Phillips/Pilkington Architects Contact Info: Phone number: +95 96411620 Website: www.phillipspilkington.com.au
What does Phillips/Pilkington Architects do?

Phillips/Pilkington Architects Pty Ltd was formed in Adelaide in 1992 by Susan Phillips and Michael Pilkington and has achieved a reputation for design excellence and innovation in more than four hundred projects undertaken over the past twenty two years. Phillips/Pilkington Architects have a particular interest in developing and enhancing a sense... of cultural identity within their projects which is evident within their tourism and community based work. The practice enjoys the dynamic of working with clients, artists, design professionals and communities to develop site responsive and culturally appropriate environments which develop a real 'sense of place'. The practice has a strong commitment to environmentally sustainable design which further reinforces a sense of place by responding to local climatic conditions. Educational, residential, tourism, public housing and community cultural facilities are a key focus of the practice with major Design Awards being received for over twenty-five projects. The Practice has been represented in the following exhibitions: 40 UP National Young Australian Architects 1999 Venice Biennale 2006 Venice Biennale 2008 cultural context a sense of place accommodating people the potential of materials collaboration environmental responsibility community enhancement these are the things that inspire us in our work Since 1992 our practice has pursued the design expression of an architecture suited to its location. Almost all of our projects are broadly located in a 'hot-arid' climate and we have sought to express these characteristics by designing low-energy, sheltering structures which require less energy to operate due to the incorporation of many passive design features such as active shading systems, reverse veneer wall systems, high thermal mass interiors and super-insulation. Over the last decade, these strategies have been developed and overlaid with a stronger consideration of materials selections and attention to more active energy systems such as solar space heating and PV ...Read More

Is Phillips/Pilkington Architects a public company?
Phillips/Pilkington Architects is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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