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Northwest Regional Housing Authority Employee Directory

Northwest Regional Housing Authority corporate office is located in 114 Sisco Ave, Harrison, Arkansas, 72602, United States and has 20 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Northwest Regional Housing Authority Employees

How many employees does Northwest Regional Housing Authority have?
Northwest Regional Housing Authority has 20 employees
Who are Northwest Regional Housing Authority key employees?
Some of Northwest Regional Housing Authority key employees are Michelle Farmer, Becky Richardson, Sharon Chaney, Ken McDowell, Jennifer Campbell
Where is Northwest Regional Housing Authority located?
Northwest Regional Housing Authority’s headquarters are located at 114 Sisco Ave, Harrison, Arkansas, 72602, United States
How do I contact Northwest Regional Housing Authority?
Northwest Regional Housing Authority Contact Info: Phone number: (870) 741-5522 Website: www.nwregionalhousing.org
What does Northwest Regional Housing Authority do?

Northwest Regional Housing Authority serves the counties of Baxter, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, Newton, and Searcy, with the Section 8 Voucher Program, our Mutual Self-Help Housing Program and Home Rehabilitation Program serves 12 counties: Baxter, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, Newton, Searcy, Benton, Fulton, Izard, Stone, and Washington co... unties. Whether you are needing assistance renting a home or looking to own a home, NWRHA is here to help. NWRHA provides assistance in many forms. Please stay for a few minutes, it may change your familys life. NWRHA is an Equal Housing Opportunity Provider. We provide housing without discrimination on the basis of race, color religion, sex, physical or mental handicap, familial status, national origin, or other protected class. Northwest Regional Housing Authority is also a management company that provides housing to more than 400 families through either the Low Income Tax Credit, Rural Development, HOME, or HUD programs. Of these families, we serve the elderly, disabled, handicapped, and families that have low to moderate income amounts. The units come in a range of bedroom sizes and the fourteen (14) properties are located throughout an eight (8) county region. Please note that eligibility requirements and application procedures may vary from site to site.Read More

Is Northwest Regional Housing Authority a public company?
Northwest Regional Housing Authority is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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