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Middleburg United Methodist Church Employee Directory

Middleburg United Methodist Church corporate office is located in 3925 Main St, Middleburg, Florida, 32068, United States and has 11 employees.

Key Employees of Middleburg United Methodist Church

Middleburg United Methodist Church Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America3

Index of contact profiles from Middleburg United Methodist Church

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Middleburg United Methodist Church Employees

How many employees does Middleburg United Methodist Church have?
Middleburg United Methodist Church has 11 employees
Who are Middleburg United Methodist Church key employees?
Some of Middleburg United Methodist Church key employees are Bryan Simpson, Brian Sanderson, Todd Gates
Where is Middleburg United Methodist Church located?
Middleburg United Methodist Church’s headquarters are located at 3925 Main St, Middleburg, Florida, 32068, United States
How do I contact Middleburg United Methodist Church?
Middleburg United Methodist Church Contact Info: Phone number: (904) 282-5589 Website: www.middleburgumc.org
What does Middleburg United Methodist Church do?

Middleburg United Methodist Church is a historic town church, built in 1856, looking forward to a dynamic future. We enjoy ministry in a beautiful small community while looking for and participating in ways to reach out to others in the region and throughout the world. Our church offers much to those who seek to learn and grow in faith while at the... same time participating in various ministries. For many, our church is a place to rest and catch their breath after experiencing much turmoil in their life. For others, it is an opportunity to work in ministries allowing them to put into practice the faith they have grown into over the years, and yet for still others, it is a time and place to learn, grow and come closer to God. We are a church where one can feast on God's sacraments and savor the Almighty's word. Middleburg United Methodist Church is a place to meet and experience the living God. We welcome all who wish to accompany us upon this transforming journey.Read More

Is Middleburg United Methodist Church a public company?
Middleburg United Methodist Church is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Middleburg United Methodist Church Employees

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