Life Church ACC corporate office is located in 4 Treacy St, Mooroopna, Victoria, 3629, Australia and has 6 employees.
life church acc
life opshop
life church
life church acc mooroopna
life church mooroopna
life op shop
Number of employees
Information Technology
Location | People at location |
Australia | 3 |
North America | 1 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Life Church ACC's success, and advanced their careers.
Worked as Kids Pastor and Life Group Leader
at Life Church ACC (2020-2020)
Worked as Sorter
at Life Church ACC (2015-2019)
Worked as Customer Service
at Life Church ACC (2016-2019)
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THE AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES is a movement of Pentecostal Churches in voluntary cooperation. Each individual church is self-governing, but commits itself to work together with other churches in the movement for the purpose of mutual support and the spread of the gospel in Australia and the world. The Assemblies of God in Australia was formed i... Read More