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Leyen Food Employee Directory

Leyen Food corporate office is located in 14328 Lomitas Ave, La Puente, California, 91746, United States and has 27 employees.

Leyen Food CEO

Victor LiangLeyen Food
Victor LiangChief Executive Officer
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Key Employees of Leyen Food

Leyen Food Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America10

Index of contact profiles from Leyen Food

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Leyen Food Employees

How many employees does Leyen Food have?
Leyen Food has 27 employees
Who is the CEO of Leyen Food?
Leyen Food’s CEO is Victor Liang
Who are Leyen Food key employees?
Some of Leyen Food key employees are Farid Dahrouj, Jacob Liang, Richard Andrade
Where is Leyen Food located?
Leyen Food’s headquarters are located at 14328 Lomitas Ave, La Puente, California, 91746, United States
How do I contact Leyen Food?
Leyen Food Contact Info: Phone number: (626) 333-8812 Website: www.leyenfood.com
What does Leyen Food do?

Leyen Food, LLC was established in 1994 and has been in the food market for 22 years and has been growing ever since. We have extended our business by strategically opening more facilities in Texas, Mississippi, and North Carolina which has made it more convenient to pick up and deliver to the whole United States market. Our customer base consists... of numerous wholesalers, restaurants, supermarkets, and foreign customers. We are committed to serving our clients the finest meat and poultry products with USDA certification and HACCP quality control. Leyen Food, LLC prides itself in upholding a great reputation in customer service, product safety, and worker safety. Our employees enjoy the success of the company and work diligently to assure customer satisfaction.Read More

Is Leyen Food a public company?
Leyen Food is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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