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Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz Employee Directory

Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz corporate office is located in 352 Turnpike Rd Ste 310, Southborough, Massachusetts, 01772, United States and has 6 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz Employees

How many employees does Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz have?
Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz has 6 employees
Who are Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz key employees?
Some of Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz key employees are Melissa Rodriguez, Lucia Solorzano, Michael Kantrovitz, Melissa McGee, Gabriel Kantrovitz
Where is Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz located?
Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz’s headquarters are located at 352 Turnpike Rd Ste 310, Southborough, Massachusetts, 01772, United States
How do I contact Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz?
Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz Contact Info: Phone number: (508) 485-6600 Website: www.kantrovitzandkantrovitz.com
What does Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz do?

Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz, LLC is proud to have represented the injured citizens of our commonwealth for over 30 years. Attorney Michael Kantrovitz continues to dedicate the practice to its founding principles of compassion and a relentless determination to maximize the recovery of all firm clients. Each case handled by Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz receiv... es the undivided attention of our law firm. One of the cornerstones of the practice is our frequent communication with clients. We strongly believe that such interaction is necessary to obtain the best results. If you had an accident or suffered injury at work, or became ill as a result of a condition in the workplace, you are entitled to monetary compensation and medical benefits. General liability claims result when someone is injured due to the negligence by another person or company, whether it is work-related or not. We help you get paid for your injuries on the job. As with any area of law, workers compensation can be complex, particularly when it relates to a serious injury, illness, disability or long-term condition. An injured employee should seek legal representation in order to ensure that he or she receives all benefits provided by law. Michael Kantrovitz is a civil trial lawyer in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. He has successfully represented hundreds of injured workers before the Department of Industrial Accidents. Attorney Martin Kantrovitz is a Partner of Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz LLC. For over 40 years, Mr. Kantrovitz has concentrated his practice in the areas of Workers Compensation and Personal Injury (Tort) law. Mike Patnode handles personal injury and third-party workers compensation claims. Mr. Patnode served as a Law Clerk to the Hon. John Englander of the Massachusetts Appeals Court. Gabriel Kantrovitz became an attorney in 1937. Two of his brothers, two of his sons, two of his grandsons and one of his nephews became attorneys as well. Until 2001 Gabriel Kantrovitz fought for workers, organizers and those willing to speak out against ...Read More

Is Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz a public company?
Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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