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International Inner Wheel Employee Directory

International Inner Wheel corporate office is located in 20 Market St, Altrincham Ward, Cheshire, WA14 1PF, United Kingdom and has 13 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding International Inner Wheel Employees

How many employees does International Inner Wheel have?
International Inner Wheel has 13 employees
Who are International Inner Wheel key employees?
Some of International Inner Wheel key employees are Madeline McMenamin, Bina Vyas, Abha Gupta, Anita Naveen, Carole Buchanan
Where is International Inner Wheel located?
International Inner Wheel’s headquarters are located at 20 Market St, Altrincham Ward, Cheshire, WA14 1PF, United Kingdom
How do I contact International Inner Wheel?
International Inner Wheel Contact Info: Phone number: +44 1619273116 Website: www.internationalinnerwheel.org
What does International Inner Wheel do?

International Inner Wheel is most probably the largest women's Voluntary Service Organisation in the world. We hold Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) status with the United Nations and have representatives in its three centres of Geneva, New York and Vienna and are therefore able to play an important role in today's world. Since its inception in... 1924 Inner Wheel continues to grow as new Clubs form in many countries. Currently we have more than 100,000 members in over 101 countries and geographical locations and members enjoy working together making new friends and having fun whilst experiencing the sense of 'belonging' that Club life brings. Visiting members wherever we are in the world is a great joy and the start of lifelong friendships. However that is by no means the sole objective of Inner Wheel as Service to those less fortunate than ourselves - the vulnerable, young people and the elderly - both at home and in the developing countries is equally important. It is given in many ways from general long term support to providing goods, funds and practical 'hands on' help in emergencies and disaster areas and our members are among the first to respond. The IIW Newsletter, which can be found amongst these pages, will give you an insight into what is happening on a global scale and how our members work tirelessly to Communicate Our Vision. The IIW Social project for 2006/09 is the UNICEF Education programme for Girls. It is so important that girls, especially in the developing countries, receive an education, for when a girl is educated the whole family, and ultimately the world, benefits. More information about this can be found on this web-site. We are the sister organisation of Rotary International, and work closely with its members. Inner Wheel members are compassionate people but we are also enthusiastic and fun loving so if you are wanting to help others, have the satisfaction of doing something worthwhile and looking for firm and lasting friendships then please contact us - you will always be most ...Read More

Is International Inner Wheel a public company?
International Inner Wheel is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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