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Insurance Archaeology Group Employee Directory

Insurance Archaeology Group corporate office is located in 240 Madison Ave Fl 6, New York City, New York, 10016, United States and has 19 employees.

Key Employees of Insurance Archaeology Group

Insurance Archaeology Group Global Presence

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North America6

Index of contact profiles from Insurance Archaeology Group

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Former Employees at Insurance Archaeology Group

Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Insurance Archaeology Group's success, and advanced their careers.

  1. Software Engineer in T... at Flatiron

    Worked as Research Analyst

    at Insurance Archaeology Group (2018-2019)

    email Jake Lovitz Email direct Jake Lovitz Direct
  2. Culture Dean at Partnership Academy

    Worked as Research Analyst

    at Insurance Archaeology Group (2015-2016)

    email Tracy Wong Email direct Tracy Wong Direct
  3. Staff Attorney at Veterans Legal Service...

    Worked as Research Analyst

    at Insurance Archaeology Group (2015-2015)

    email Katherine Coombs Email direct Katherine Coombs Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Insurance Archaeology Group Employees

How many employees does Insurance Archaeology Group have?
Insurance Archaeology Group has 19 employees
Who are Insurance Archaeology Group key employees?
Some of Insurance Archaeology Group key employees are Michele Pierro, Alexis Giuffre
Where is Insurance Archaeology Group located?
Insurance Archaeology Group’s headquarters are located at 240 Madison Ave Fl 6, New York City, New York, 10016, United States
How do I contact Insurance Archaeology Group?
Insurance Archaeology Group Contact Info: Phone number: (212) 697-2680 Website: www.iagltd.com
What does Insurance Archaeology Group do?

IAG is the recognized leader in the field of insurance archaeology. Since 1985, IAG has documented hundreds of billions of dollars of prepaid insurance assets, enabling our clients to maximize recoveries for environmental, toxic tort and a variety of other long tail liabilities. Decades of mergers and acquisition activity combined with a steady ons... laught of emerging liabilities and heightened environmental enforcement have ensured that insurance archaeology - now more than ever - is a best practice for risk management. IAG has the largest staff devoted exclusively to the specialized field of insurance archaeology research. Over the past 25 years, we have developed many of the techniques and protocols which have become the standards for conducting an historic audit of a company's past coverage. In reconstructing a coverage history, our staff digs exhaustively through corporate records, tracks down and interviews former employees and identifies a variety of leads to potential outside sources of records. This forensic research, in conjunction with our knowledge of underwriting practices, our familiarity with the history of consolidation within the insurance industry and our extensive and longstanding contacts, ensure that the most assets are located. A broad range of organizations rely on IAG's services. They represent all industry sectors from basic manufacturing to financial services and include Fortune 500 companies, small to mid-size companies, utilities, government agencies, religious/non-profit organizations and municipalities. We work closely with our client's risk managers, in house attorneys and outside counsel. In all cases, they find our graphic illustrations of coverage and corporate histories invaluable in notifying and negotiating with carriers or in formulating a cohesive strategy for pursuing coverage for environmental and toxic tort claims.Read More

Is Insurance Archaeology Group a public company?
Insurance Archaeology Group is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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