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Informatics College Pokhara Employee Directory

Informatics College Pokhara corporate office is located in Lions Building matepani-12 Near Gandaki Hospital, Pokhara, Western Region, 33700, Nepal and has 66 employees.

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Information Technology






Informatics College Pokhara CEO

Abhinav DahalInformatics College Pokhara
Abhinav DahalChief Executive Officer
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Key Employees of Informatics College Pokhara

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    Asha Thapa

    Manager, Procurement

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Informatics College Pokhara Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America1

Index of contact profiles from Informatics College Pokhara

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Former Employees at Informatics College Pokhara

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Informatics College Pokhara Employees

How many employees does Informatics College Pokhara have?
Informatics College Pokhara has 66 employees
Who is the CEO of Informatics College Pokhara?
Informatics College Pokhara’s CEO is Abhinav Dahal
Who are Informatics College Pokhara key employees?
Some of Informatics College Pokhara key employees are Asha Thapa
Where is Informatics College Pokhara located?
Informatics College Pokhara’s headquarters are located at Lions Building matepani-12 Near Gandaki Hospital, Pokhara, Western Region, 33700, Nepal
How do I contact Informatics College Pokhara?
Informatics College Pokhara Contact Info: Phone number: +977 61538115 Website: www.icp.edu.np
What does Informatics College Pokhara do?

Informatics College Pokhara, established in 2011 is an associate college of ING Group. Initially, it started its academic journey as a franchisee of Informatics Education Limited, Singapore. Since 2017, Informatics College Pokhara has been directly partnering with London Metropolitan University, UK to provide enviable higher education in IT and Bus... iness to students in Pokhara at an affordable price. We pride ourselves in having excellent academic infrastructure and resources to support our students throughout their educational journey. Furthermore, we ensure that the support you receive through our team is unparalleled and will help you accomplish the goals you aspire to achieve. We also aim to create graduates who will be sought after by potential employers both nationally and globally. All the courses offered here at Informatics College Pokhara is approved by the Ministry of Education, Nepal and equivalent to Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Therefore, our graduates will be able to work for the government as well as private organisations all over the world. In addition to this, they can also seek to apply for further education in any university of the world.Read More

Is Informatics College Pokhara a public company?
Informatics College Pokhara is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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