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Hi-Tek Manufacturing Employee Directory

Hi-Tek Manufacturing corporate office is located in 6050 Hi Tek Ct, Mason, Ohio, 45040, United States and has 148 employees.

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Hi-Tek Manufacturing Global Presence

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North America74

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People from Similar Companies in the Manufacturing Industry Located in Ohio, United States

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hi-Tek Manufacturing Employees

How many employees does Hi-Tek Manufacturing have?
Hi-Tek Manufacturing has 148 employees
Who are Hi-Tek Manufacturing key employees?
Some of Hi-Tek Manufacturing key employees are Derek Caney, Cletis Jackson
Where is Hi-Tek Manufacturing located?
Hi-Tek Manufacturing’s headquarters are located at 6050 Hi Tek Ct, Mason, Ohio, 45040, United States
How do I contact Hi-Tek Manufacturing?
Hi-Tek Manufacturing Contact Info: Phone number: (513) 459-1094 Website: www.hitekmfg.com
What does Hi-Tek Manufacturing do?

Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. provides manufacturing services for the gas turbine and aerospace industries. It offers custom services, such as CNC milling, turning, and grinding; and electrical discharge machining, laser processing, and process support services. The company also provides aviation and land-based turbine parts, such as HPT blades, HPT a... nd LPT vanes, tube and ring products, casings and liners, heat shields and fairings, and ring segments. In addition, it offers support for component production to a major gas turbine and airframe manufacturers. Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. was formerly known as System EDM, Inc. and changed its name to Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. in December 1989. Hi-Tek Manufacturing, Inc. was founded in 1980 and is based in Mason, Ohio.Read More

Is Hi-Tek Manufacturing a public company?
Hi-Tek Manufacturing is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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