Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Commerce corporate office is located in 517 Main St, Frankfort, Michigan, 49635, United States and has 22 employees.
frankfort-elberta area chamber of commerce
frankfort-elberta area chamber of commerce
frankfort - elberta area chamber of commerce
elberta area chamber of commerce
frankfort-elberta area chamber of commerce foundat...
the frankfort - elberta area chamber of commerce i...
Number of employees
Medical & Health
Engineering & Technical
Location | People at location |
North America | 6 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Commerce's success, and advanced their careers.
Worked as Executive Director
at Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Co... (2007-2024)
Realtor at Century 21
Worked as The Boat Doctor
at Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Co... (2018-2019)
Owner and Agent at Webber Insurance Agenc...
Worked as Board Member
at Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Co... (2015-2016)
Explore More
The Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Inc, a 501c3 charitable foundation, was founded by the Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Commerce in 1999 as an innovative way for concerned citizens to put charitable dollars to work for the general benefit of the Frankfort-Elberta area. Members of the Chamber of Commerce are automatically... Read More