East Chapel Hill High School has 30 employees.
east chapel hill high school
Number of employees
Medical & Health
Human Resources
Information Technology
Engineering & Technical
Location | People at location |
North America | 25 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to East Chapel Hill High School's success, and advanced their careers.
Worked as Student Government Treasurer
at East Chapel Hill High School (2023-2024)
Worked as President of the Leadership Council for Studen...
at East Chapel Hill High School (2021-2023)
Director, Analytics at Nectir
Worked as AP Statistics and Mathematics Teacher
at East Chapel Hill High School (2017-2018)
Vice President, Accoun... at FCB Health Network
Worked as Title
at East Chapel Hill High School (2015-2017)
Full Stack Engineer at Ordaos Bio
Worked as Assistant Women's Varsity Coach
at East Chapel Hill High School (2014-2016)
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Wildcat Lacrosse News at East Chapel Hill High School offers information on schedules, rosters, coaches, statistics, and honor accolades of the lacrosse program. They also provide updates on fundraisers, game results, and upcoming matches. The program aims to raise funds for equipment, program growth, and community outreach in support of lacrosse d... Read More