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Daughters For Zion Employee Directory

Daughters For Zion corporate office is located in 9201 75th Ave N, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, 55428, United States and has 19 employees.

Daughters For Zion Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America3

Key Employees of Daughters For Zion

Index of contact profiles from Daughters For Zion

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Daughters For Zion Employees

How many employees does Daughters For Zion have?
Daughters For Zion has 19 employees
Who are Daughters For Zion key employees?
Some of Daughters For Zion key employees are Corrine Cardoza, Deborah Campbell
Where is Daughters For Zion located?
Daughters For Zion’s headquarters are located at 9201 75th Ave N, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, 55428, United States
How do I contact Daughters For Zion?
Daughters For Zion Contact Info: Phone number: (763) 315-7055 Website: www.daughtersforzion.org
What does Daughters For Zion do?

In August 2007, Pastor John Hagee had it on his heart to implement a national prayer network who would pray for Israel, America, and Christians United For Israel. He asked Pastor Lynne Hammond to lead it. Pastor Lynne agreed and within days, the Daughters For Zion Prayer Network began. The purpose of the Daughters For Zion Prayer Network (DFZ) is t... o organize prayer groups in America to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the well-being of the State of Israel, the growth and development of Christians United For Israel, and other prayer efforts that come from the national director. The DFZ network is for all pray-ers. The vision of Daughters For Zion is to organize prayer groups in every city in the nation. These prayer groups can take place in a church, a home, an office, or any environment conducive to worshipful prayer. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray that the enemies of Israel are brought to confusion and fight one against the other. Pray for the well-being of the state of Israel and its people. Pray for the government leaders in Israel. Pray for the Israeli soldiers. Pray for the underprivileged groups in Israeli society. Pray for the Israelis who make the Holy Land fruitful and turn deserts into blooming fields. Pray for the existing leadership of CUFI. Pray that God will touch the hearts of every Bible-believing pastor in America to join CUFI. Pray for any specific prayer target the Holy Spirit would lay on the heart of the national director. When you join the Daughters For Zion, you will receive access to Lynne Hammond's "A Highway of Prayer" and you will be automatically entered to receive periodic communications from DFZ, including prayer updates, news, and announcements.Read More

Is Daughters For Zion a public company?
Daughters For Zion is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Daughters For Zion Employees

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