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College of Prayer International Employee Directory

College of Prayer International corporate office is located in PO Box 2084, Lilburn, Georgia, 30048, United States and has 173 employees.

Key Employees of College of Prayer International

College of Prayer International Global Presence

globalPresence illustration
North America7

Index of contact profiles from College of Prayer International

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Former Employees at College of Prayer International

Explore people who held key positions, contributed to College of Prayer International's success, and advanced their careers.

  1. Product Sales Speciali... at AutoNation Volkswagen ...

    Worked as Communications Administrator

    at College of Prayer International (2017-2019)

    email Amos Nseng Email direct Amos Nseng Direct
  2. Professor at Empower

    Worked as At-large Member

    at College of Prayer International (2017-2018)

    email Lisa Plunket Email direct Lisa Plunket Direct
  3. Manager, Operations at Dignity Freedom Networ...

    Worked as Director, Operations

    at College of Prayer International

    email Steve Phillips Email direct Steve Phillips Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding College of Prayer International Employees

How many employees does College of Prayer International have?
College of Prayer International has 173 employees
Who are College of Prayer International key employees?
Some of College of Prayer International key employees are Lewis Chomba, Celestin Koffi, Jon Mitchell
Where is College of Prayer International located?
College of Prayer International’s headquarters are located at PO Box 2084, Lilburn, Georgia, 30048, United States
How do I contact College of Prayer International?
College of Prayer International Contact Info: Phone number: (770) 829-0122 Website: www.collegeofprayer.org
What does College of Prayer International do?

Christ Exalting - The singular goal of the College of Prayer is for the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. God's Presence Manifesting - We appreciate God's omnipresence and anticipate His manifest Presence. We exist to lead the church to a fresh encounter with God's manifest presence. Repentance Facil... itating - As we lead students to a fresh encounter of God, we always give preference to the spirit of contrition. The College of Prayer is a safe place for students to engage in life-transforming repentance. Bible Teaching - The Bible is the Word of God and serves as our only ultimate rule of life and practice. Kingdom Advancing - We are advancers of Christ's Kingdom. We joyfully serve inter-denominationally throughout the broader Body of Christ. Satan Evicting - As Christ's Kingdom advances, demonic strongholds are exposed and eradicated. Practical teaching is provided to equip leaders with tools to engage the enemy in the gateways of life. Local Church Transforming - We are committed to partnering with pastors and local churches, leading them to an upper room, fresh encounter with God. Nation Discipling - We are passionate about training national leaders and national churches to reach the final unreached peoples of the earth. Relationship Nurturing - People are God's method. The Kingdom is advanced through Christians in vital union with other Christians. In other words, the Kingdom is advanced along relational lines. Marriage Rebuilding - We teach husbands and wives to cultivate a robust prayer life with each other. We equip parents to bless their children. Pastor and Leader Mentoring - As goes pastors and leaders, so goes the Body of Christ. The greatest teaching method was modeled by Christ who met with His followers for three years. Workplace Leader Empowering - We empower workplace leaders to advance the Kingdom of Christ in their particular spheres of influence in media, arts, sciences, education, medicine, government, legal injustice, and the family. ...Read More

Is College of Prayer International a public company?
College of Prayer International is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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