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Coastal Prairie Partnership Employee Directory

Coastal Prairie Partnership corporate office is located in PO Box 540342, Houston, Texas, 77254, United States and has 1 employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Coastal Prairie Partnership Employees

How many employees does Coastal Prairie Partnership have?
Coastal Prairie Partnership has 1 employees
Who are Coastal Prairie Partnership key employees?
Some of Coastal Prairie Partnership key employees are Jaime Gonzales
Where is Coastal Prairie Partnership located?
Coastal Prairie Partnership’s headquarters are located at PO Box 540342, Houston, Texas, 77254, United States
How do I contact Coastal Prairie Partnership?
Coastal Prairie Partnership Contact Info: Phone number: (713) 581-0818 Website: www.prairiepartner.org
What does Coastal Prairie Partnership do?

The mission of the Coastal Prairie Partnership is to promote the conservation and restoration of coastal prairie ecosystems. Coastal Prairie Partnership (CPP) is a private, nonprofit collaboration of governmental agencies, non-governmental institutions, private individuals, and landowners working to achieve common conservation and education goals.... Our ultimate goal is to help foster a more connected and empowered prairie community in coastal Texas and southwest Louisiana. CPP plays five important collaborative roles in the prairie community. Convener - CPP hosts meetings throughout the year to discuss pressing issues in prairie conservation and restoration and how the prairie community can be better served by collaborative action. Adviser - Governmental entities, nonprofits, landscape architects, and private individuals routinely call upon CPP to advise on ongoing or new prairie conservation and restoration initiatives. Teacher - CPP offers empowering classes, workshops, and field trips each year. We also help to interpret the prairie's importance to the general public and teach others how to be effective prairie communicators. Cheerleader - Saving and restoring prairies is difficult work. CPP is committed to honoring the efforts and dedication of our prairie colleagues by promoting their efforts and events and by recognizing their excellence through yearly awards. Networker - CPP connects those in need of assistance with experts in the field. We also foster collaboration and networking among professionals events such as our annual Restoration Roundup and State of the Prairie Conference.Read More

Is Coastal Prairie Partnership a public company?
Coastal Prairie Partnership is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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