Chroma Veiculos corporate office is located in 380 Av Professora Maria Do Carmo Guimaraes Pellegrini, Jundiai, Sao Paulo, 13209-500, Brazil and has 96 employees.
chroma veiculos
chroma honda
honda chroma veiculos
Number of employees
Human Resources
Location | People at location |
South America | 14 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Chroma Veiculos's success, and advanced their careers.
Worked as Analista De TI Sênior - Responsável Pelo Depar...
at Chroma Veiculos (2018-2022)
Chefe De Oficina at Nissan Dahruj Indaiatu...
Worked as Técnico Mecânico
at Chroma Veiculos (2019-2020)
Assisntente Financeiro at Globalpack Industria E...
Worked as Auxiliar Administrativo
at Chroma Veiculos (2016-2020)
Worked as Supervisor De Consórcio Honda
at Chroma Veiculos (2017-2019)
Consultora De Venda Di... at Dafonte Veículos
Worked as Vendedor De Carros
at Chroma Veiculos (2017-2019)
Explore More
Chroma Veiculos is a company that operates in the Automobile Dealers industry. It employs 50to99 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Jundiai, Sao Paulo, Brazil.... Read More