Chicagoland Autism Connection corporate office is located in 9449 S Kedzie Ave 268, Chicago, Illinois, 60805, United States and has 10 employees.
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North America | 1 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Chicagoland Autism Connection's success, and advanced their careers.
Executive Function Coa... at The Chicago Home Tutor
Worked as Board Member
at Chicagoland Autism Connection (2022-2024)
On People With Disabil... at Developmental Disabili...
Worked as Board Member
at Chicagoland Autism Connection
Worked as Chairman - Chicagoland Autism Connection Advis...
at Chicagoland Autism Connection
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The Chicagoland Autism Connection (CAC) is a not-for profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to increase autism awareness and improve the quality of life for children and adults with autism. Since 1997 the CAC has touched hundreds of families by providing tools to "shine the light" on the darkness of autism. With monthly parent meetings, the... Read More