Calaveras Democrats corporate office is located in PO Box 1511, Murphys, California, 95247, United States and has 21 employees.
calaveras democrats
calaveras county democratic central committee
calaveras co
calaveras county democrats
Location | People at location |
North America | 2 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Calaveras Democrats's success, and advanced their careers.
Aquifer Recharge Fundi... at Business Oregon
Worked as Communications & Community Outreach Chairperso...
at Calaveras Democrats (2016-2017)
Junior Engineer at East Bay Municipal Uti...
Worked as Voter Registrar
at Calaveras Democrats (2016-2016)
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Calaveras Democrats is a platform for Democrats and open-minded independents to engage in activism, advocating for reforms that promote equality and justice. They emphasize the power of individual voices and the importance of education and being willing to learn and adapt. The organization focuses on volunteerism to make a positive impact on the co... Read More