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Bateau Ventures Employee Directory

Bateau Ventures corporate office is located in 2 Water St, Newburyport, Massachusetts, 01950, United States and has 7 employees.

Bateau Ventures CEO

Wendy TroupeBateau Ventures
Wendy TroupeFounder & Chief Executive Officer
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Key Employees of Bateau Ventures

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    Violet Markows...

    Founder & President

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Index of contact profiles from Bateau Ventures

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bateau Ventures Employees

How many employees does Bateau Ventures have?
Bateau Ventures has 7 employees
Who is the CEO of Bateau Ventures?
Bateau Ventures’s CEO is Wendy Troupe
Who are Bateau Ventures key employees?
Some of Bateau Ventures key employees are Violet Markowski
Where is Bateau Ventures located?
Bateau Ventures’s headquarters are located at 2 Water St, Newburyport, Massachusetts, 01950, United States
How do I contact Bateau Ventures?
Bateau Ventures Contact Info: Website: www.bateauventures.com
What does Bateau Ventures do?

Achieved 352% return on investment in the first 90 days! Net new revenue is our core competency allowing you to free up resources and focus on what you do best. As your strategic partner we are dedicated to promoting our clients ' brands and helping them to gain new perspective and fresh ideas to complement their existing sales and marketing strate... gies. External resources are low risk allowing you to reduce overhead costs, save time, increase margins, and improve productivity. As an extension of your team, we provide custom-tailored programs with the best mix of sales, marketing, strategy or business development services - outsourced and seamless to your customers. At Bateau Ventures, we are skilled at "unlocking doors" to hidden decision makers and acting as your Chief People Connectors . We find qualified prospects and connect you to the CxO's and VP's, not just open the door to influencers and champions. We listen and uncover what you need to know - "pain points" and budget reality. We articulate your value proposition and have meaningful conversations allowing us to deliver net new revenue, speed to market, and new customer acquisition opportunities specific to your terms and conditions. Develop solid relationships building brand, company, and community It sounds so simple, yet many organizations lack the intuitive ability to drive a disciplined and scalable sales and marketing process to increase the visibility of their brand, nurture and leverage existing relationships, and generate net new business revenue. We collaborate and communicate with our clients using guided feedback based on trust and respect. We advise you accordingly and provide strategic direction on the best dynamics for building customer-centric relationships that are profitable. Our highest priority is to help you develop mutually beneficial long term, value-based relationships that provide repeatable and sustainable business. How may we support you TODAY? (click here to connect)Read More

Is Bateau Ventures a public company?
Bateau Ventures is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Bateau Ventures Employees

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