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Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC Employee Directory

Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC corporate office is located in Bldg. 135 Road 1702, Maqaba, Central Governorate, Bahrain and has 26 employees.

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Information Technology




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Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC CEO

Abdulla DawoodBahrain Middle East Bank BSC
Abdulla DawoodChief Executive Officer
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Key Employees of Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC

Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC Global Presence

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Index of contact profiles from Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC

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Former Employees at Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC

Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC's success, and advanced their careers.

  1. Worked as Compliance, Governance & Anti-Money Laundering...

    at Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC (2019-2020)

    email Naser Al Isa Email direct Naser Al Isa Direct
  2. Assistant Manager, Inv... at Ahli United Bank

    Worked as Manager, Operations Department

    at Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC (2018-2020)

    email Ahmed Ramadhan Email direct Ahmed Ramadhan Direct
  3. Chief Financial Office... at Reef Capital

    Worked as Head of Internal Audit

    at Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC (2014-2017)

    email Jeet Gandhi Email direct Jeet Gandhi Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC Employees

How many employees does Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC have?
Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC has 26 employees
Who is the CEO of Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC?
Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC’s CEO is Abdulla Dawood
Who are Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC key employees?
Some of Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC key employees are Ali Al Ansari, Olga Madan, Jaffer Hammadi, Viraj Danushka
Where is Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC located?
Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC’s headquarters are located at Bldg. 135 Road 1702, Maqaba, Central Governorate, Bahrain
How do I contact Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC?
Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC Contact Info: Phone number: +973 17532345 Website: www.bmb.com.bh
What does Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC do?

Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC is a company that operates in the Banking industry. It employs 20to49 people and has 10Mto25M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Maqaba, Central Governorate, Bahrain.... Read More

Is Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC a public company?
Yes, Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC is a public company and is traded under the symbol BMB
See more information about Bahrain Middle East Bank BSC Employees

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