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BAE International Employee Directory

BAE International corporate office is located in 623619-k Level 21.03 Plaza Pengkalan 3rd Mile Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah Formerly Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, 51100, Malaysia and has 20 employees.

BAE International Global Presence

globalPresence illustration

BAE International CEO

Lim ChoongBAE International
Lim ChoongChief Executive Officer
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Key Employees of BAE International

Index of contact profiles from BAE International

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding BAE International Employees

How many employees does BAE International have?
BAE International has 20 employees
Who is the CEO of BAE International?
BAE International’s CEO is Lim Choong
Who are BAE International key employees?
Some of BAE International key employees are Michael Fountain, Hui Yi, Kiew Yew, Bee Lim, Nurul Shamshul
Where is BAE International located?
BAE International’s headquarters are located at 623619-k Level 21.03 Plaza Pengkalan 3rd Mile Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah Formerly Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, 51100, Malaysia
How do I contact BAE International?
BAE International Contact Info: Website: www.mybae.com
What does BAE International do?

Proven and substantiated, our vision is to see your product succeed at the forefront of your industry, catalysed by our supreme Bio-Activated Energy technology. To be the preferred value enhancer of your product as we raise your products value, effectiveness and stature. We pledge our values to: It is not often that a proprietary technology is made... available, freely and publicly. The technological prowess of BAE International emerges in the market space as a unique value enhancer and the catalyst to propel your business ahead, setting you apart from the followers. Our discovery of the molecular technology dates back to the 1980s where our team of scientists gathered for the one goal to uncover the potential of improving a product from within without sacrificing its physical properties. The discovery marveled everyone. Every product encountered was succinctly improved with better taste, effects, and feel; simply immaculate. The ensuing journey inspired BAE International to test these unique findings among the leading brains of the world. Today, our scientific work is featured and demonstrated in respected university and industry journals from Japan to America. Our Awards are testaments of our quality. The art depicts a conceptualised representation of the universe, a piece specially commissioned by artist Allen Tan. It summarises the story of BAE ~ from the very essence of the energy to the purpose of the company. The art consists primarily of five 'planets', inevitably forming the letters BAE, the company name. The inner planet is represented by the classic 'Yin & Yang' symbol. Besides being crucial to the balance of life, the 'Yin & Yang' also reflects the nature of our business, our range of products and our principles. From the art piece, we can see a lava of energy, represented by spots of golden yellow, flowing upwards to move the 'Yin & Yang' symbol anticlockwise. This is in the same manner in which the Bio-Activated Energy "BAE" rotates. The triangle that dominates the painting represents the Universe, ...Read More

Is BAE International a public company?
BAE International is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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