Anime Twin Cities corporate office is located in PO Box 48309, Coon Rapids, Minnesota, 55448, United States and has 68 employees.
anime twin cities inc
anime twin cities
anime detour
twin cities anime & manga society
anime fusion
anime inc
Number of employees
Location | People at location |
North America | 1 |
Explore people who held key positions, contributed to Anime Twin Cities's success, and advanced their careers.
Print Production Speci... at Johnson Brothers
Worked as Head of Room Parties
at Anime Twin Cities (2007-2022)
Dreamline Site Coordin... at The Sanneh Foundation
Worked as Guest Relations Sub Head
at Anime Twin Cities (2013-2019)
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Anime Twin Cities is a non-profit corporation organized under Chapter 317A of the Minnesota Statutes and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its purpose is to conduct educational,charitable and social activities related to the promotion and study of Japanese culture, specifically animated movies and television programs ("anime") and gra... Read More