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American Composting Employee Directory

American Composting corporate office is located in 11911 Faulkner Lake Rd, North Little Rock, Arkansas, 72117, United States and has 7 employees.

American Composting Global Presence

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North America3

Key Employees of American Composting

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    James Willits

    Founder & Owner & President

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Former Employees at American Composting

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  1. Recruiter at CARDS

    Worked as Senior Manager, Operations

    at American Composting (2004-2024)

    email Gussie Robinson Email direct Gussie Robinson Direct
  2. Its Financial Speciali... at Arkansas Blue Cross Bl...

    Worked as Office Clerk

    at American Composting (2012-2016)

    email Jill Wise Email direct Jill Wise Direct

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding American Composting Employees

How many employees does American Composting have?
American Composting has 7 employees
Who are American Composting key employees?
Some of American Composting key employees are James Willits
Where is American Composting located?
American Composting’s headquarters are located at 11911 Faulkner Lake Rd, North Little Rock, Arkansas, 72117, United States
How do I contact American Composting?
American Composting Contact Info: Phone number: (501) 945-8888 Website: www.americancomposting.com
What does American Composting do?

We take materials capable of causing pollution (if land filled) and turn them into the best garden and grass feeding materials such as; compost, mulch, and soil blends. We use nothing but clean, natural feedstock to make our premium products. ACI's philosophy is best summed up in our trademark slogan, "Man and Nature Working Together." Founded in 1... 991 by James R. Willits, owner and company's current President. ACI is headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas. From the 85 acre facility ACI provides recycling services to all of central Arkansas. Our compost, soil, and mulch products are sent to customers throughout the mid South. Plans are underway to expand these recycling services to all areas of Arkansas, including parts of Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. ACI employs a staff of recognized experts in the organics recycling, horticultural supply, and waste management industries. They possess a wide range of expertise in composting and recycling operations, waste management, finance, engineering management, and organics marketing. ACI's commitment to product quality and excellent customer service is the consumer's guarantee that their contract will be professionally implemented and the organic product produced will be of the highest standard. Recycling services are provided to municipalities, landscapers, contractors, waste management firms, wood and paper producers, wood product manufacturers, food and beverage processors, fiber processors, livestock producers, and other commercial and agricultural waste generators. If you are in need of organic waste disposal services consider ACI. If you need products to make your garden and grass grow beautifully and strong all year long ACI's organic recycling products of compost, mulch, and soil blends will fit your needs.Read More

Is American Composting a public company?
American Composting is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about American Composting Employees

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