Zoha Amjad

Dispatcher at Tricon Solutions

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About Zoha Amjad

Zoha Amjad is a Dispatcher at Tricon Solutions based in Gaithersburg, Maryland.Explore more

Zoha Amjad Current Workplace

Tricon Solutions

2023-present (2 years)

Many organizations have a difficult time making sense of the vast amount of data collected through a wide variety of disparate transactional systems and 3rd party data sources. Gaining insight into business data is essential for every organization to maximize the efficiency of their business operations to better meet their mission. At Tricon, we focus on helping our clients develop and implement data management strategies to transform data into actionable intelligence. Building innovative solutions using the latest consumer and enterprise technology, Tricon understands system design, integration and development. From Big Data to Data Warehousing to Business Intelligence, we have it covered. Tricon leverages more than two decades of experience across U.S. federal agencies and commercial sector to provide quality service, practical solutions for mission critical challenges. From strategy to change, from requirements analysis to systems implementation, Tricon is committed to exceeding cliSee more

Org Chart - Tricon Solutions






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zoha Amjad

What company does Zoha Amjad work for?
Zoha Amjad works for Tricon Solutions as Dispatcher
What is Zoha Amjad’s role in Tricon Solutions?
Zoha Amjad’s role in Tricon Solutions is Dispatcher
What is Zoha Amjad’s direct phone number?
Zoha Amjad’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Zoha Amjad work in?
Zoha Amjad works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Zoha Amjad’s peers at other companies?
Zoha Amjad’s peers at other companies are Denise Boyd, Leslie Peil, Tino Stanoev, Mohamed Alqadhi, Daniel Willoughby.
Who are Zoha Amjad’s colleagues?
Some of Zoha Amjad’s colleagues are Merlin Thomas, Rajesh Bandreddy.
Who is Zoha Amjad?

Zoha Amjad is a Dispatcher at Tricon Solutions based in Gaithersburg, Maryland.... Read More

Where is Zoha Amjad based?
Zoha Amjad works for Tricon Solutions, located at United States
See more information about Zoha Amjad

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