Zinnet Zylfikar

Satış Operasyon Sorumlusu at Kayalar Kimya

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About Zinnet Zylfikar

Zinnet Zylfikar is a Satış Operasyon Sorumlusu at Kayalar Kimya based in Istanbul, Istanbul.Explore more

Zinnet Zylfikar Current Workplace

Kayalar Kimya

2025-present (1 month)

Founded in 1976, Kayalar Kimya provides a stable and reliable production environment of total 59.000 m2 area in Turkey and in Spain, equipped with the state-of-the-art technology and cutting edge automation system. With its 60000 tons of capacity Kayalar Kimya is one of the Europe's largest paint and varnish manufacturers and 76th biggest paint company in the world as listed in Coating World. With a market share of 23% in Turkey, a range of 500 different products and a manufacturing capacity involving 3000 different manufacturing types, besides its more than 4000 domestic and international customers, Kayalar Kimya improves its competitive capacity by using the globally accepted best practices and initiatives. Turkish Exporters' Union rewarded the company with "Star of Export" award in recognition of export performance in 60 countries. 2015 © all rights reserved |services of information society

Org Chart - Kayalar Kimya


Satış Operasyon Sorumlusu




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zinnet Zylfikar

What company does Zinnet Zylfikar work for?
Zinnet Zylfikar works for Kayalar Kimya as Satış Operasyon Sorumlusu
What is Zinnet Zylfikar’s role in Kayalar Kimya?
Zinnet Zylfikar’s role in Kayalar Kimya is Satış Operasyon Sorumlusu
What is Zinnet Zylfikar’s direct phone number?
Zinnet Zylfikar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Zinnet Zylfikar’s work phone number?
Zinnet Zylfikar’s headquarters phone number is +90 2165930727
Which industry does Zinnet Zylfikar work in?
Zinnet Zylfikar works in the industry of Building Materials, Manufacturing.
Who are Zinnet Zylfikar’s peers at other companies?
Zinnet Zylfikar’s peers at other companies are Saadet Simsek, Eray Kınataş, Ekrem Çağlar.
Who are Zinnet Zylfikar’s colleagues?
Some of Zinnet Zylfikar’s colleagues are Mohamead Darwish, Ebru Onat, Erdem Akdemir, Emre Koşan.
Who is Zinnet Zylfikar?

Zinnet Zylfikar is a Satış Operasyon Sorumlusu at Kayalar Kimya based in Istanbul, Istanbul.... Read More

Where is Zinnet Zylfikar based?
Zinnet Zylfikar works for Kayalar Kimya, located at Turkey
See more information about Zinnet Zylfikar

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