
Zhanel Bissekenova

Team Leader, Petroleum Engineering Program at American College of the Middle East

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(***) ***-****

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Zhanel Bissekenova Work Experience Summary

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About Zhanel Bissekenova

Zhanel Bissekenova is a Team Leader, Petroleum Engineering Program at American College of the Middle East based in Kuwait City, Al Asimah. Previously, Zhanel was a Petroleum Engineering Program Coordinator at American College of the Middle East and also held positions at Nazarbayev University, TOTAL Oil Asia Pacific, Tengizchevroil, KazMunayGas, Kazakh-British Technical University, KaraTau Consulting, Halliburton.Explore more

Zhanel Bissekenova Current Workplace

The American College of the Middle East (ACM) is one of the leading institutions of higher applied learning in Kuwait. Based in Egaila, on an expansive progressive campus. ACM is designed to provide intellectually challenging and applied yet engaging, authentic academic environment with student life being at the center. ACM has 2127 enrolled fulltime students as of Fall 2018. The faculty body at ACM comes from diverse backgrounds enhancing the learning experience at ACM, and with diverse proven professional experience suiting the practical education goal of ACM. ACM students are enriched, enjoying, and benefiting from an academic experience through our world class academic programs and learning facilities offered through the six technology degrees offered at the Department of Engineering and Technology, and the four degrees through the Department of Business Administration. The ACM "Learner Centered Approach" comes at the core of ACM plans, initiatives, and achievements. ACM was establSee more

Zhanel Bissekenova Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Petroleum Engineering Program Coordinator

American College of the Middle East


Sales Engineer

Senergy Oilfield Solutions


Technical Coordinator

Senergy Oilfield Solutions


Org Chart - American College of the Middle East


Team Leader, Petroleum Engineering ...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zhanel Bissekenova

What company does Zhanel Bissekenova work for?
Zhanel Bissekenova works for American College of the Middle East as Team Leader, Petroleum Engineering Program
What is Zhanel Bissekenova’s role in American College of the Middle East?
Zhanel Bissekenova’s role in American College of the Middle East is Team Leader, Petroleum Engineering Program
What is Zhanel Bissekenova’s email address?
Zhanel Bissekenova’s email address is z***@acm.edu.kw
What is Zhanel Bissekenova’s business email address?
Zhanel Bissekenova’s business email address is z***@acm.edu.kw
What is Zhanel Bissekenova’s direct phone number?
Zhanel Bissekenova’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Zhanel Bissekenova’s work phone number?
Zhanel Bissekenova’s headquarters phone number is +965 22255100
What is Zhanel Bissekenova’s latest job experience?
Zhanel Bissekenova’s latest job experience is Petroleum Engineering Program Coordinator at American College of the Middle East
Which industry does Zhanel Bissekenova work in?
Zhanel Bissekenova works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Zhanel Bissekenova’s colleagues?
Some of Zhanel Bissekenova’s colleagues are Mammad Tanriverdiyev, Yazan Aldawoodi, Duygu Guneyli, Dusan Pirkovic.
How can I contact Zhanel Bissekenova?
Zhanel Bissekenova contact details: Email address: z***@acm.edu.kw Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Zhanel Bissekenova?

Zhanel Bissekenova is a Team Leader, Petroleum Engineering Program at American College of the Middle East based in Kuwait City, Al Asimah. Previously, Zhanel was a Petroleum Engineering Program Coordinator at American College of the Middle East and also held positions at Nazarbayev University, TOTAL Oil Asia Pacific, Tengizchevroil, KazMunayGas, K... azakh-British Technical University, KaraTau Consulting, Halliburton.Read More

Where is Zhanel Bissekenova based?
Zhanel Bissekenova works for American College of the Middle East, located at Kuwait
See more information about Zhanel Bissekenova

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