
Zandria Samuel

Sales Representative at Georgia Correctional Industries

Zandria Samuel Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(404) ***-****

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Zandria Samuel Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Zandria Samuel

Zandria Samuel is a Sales Representative at Georgia Correctional Industries based in Decatur, Georgia. Previously, Zandria was a HR Coordinator at Resurgens Orthopaedics and also held positions at State Farm, T-Mobile, DealerMatch, Delve, Jackson Healthcare.Explore more

Zandria Samuel Current Workplace

Georgia Correctional Industries

2019-present (5 years)

Georgia Correctional Industries (GCI) is the official business website of Georgia Correctional Industries, specializing in manufacturing, food service, agribusiness, offender development, and reentry programs. GCI caters to a diverse range of customers and provides sales support, warranty services, and FAQs to assist clients. With a focus on providing quality products and services, GCI offers a variety of solutions for individuals and businesses. For more information on their mission, success stories, customers, and recent news, visitors can explore their website for details.

Zandria Samuel Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

HR Coordinator

Resurgens Orthopaedics


Claims Associate

State Farm


Business Wireless Technology Specialist



Marketing Administrator & Assistant



Org Chart - Georgia Correctional Industries


Sales Representative




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zandria Samuel

What company does Zandria Samuel work for?
Zandria Samuel works for Georgia Correctional Industries as Sales Representative
What is Zandria Samuel’s role in Georgia Correctional Industries?
Zandria Samuel’s role in Georgia Correctional Industries is Sales Representative
What is Zandria Samuel’s email address?
Zandria Samuel’s email address is z***@gci-ga.com
What is Zandria Samuel’s business email address?
Zandria Samuel’s business email address is z***@gci-ga.com
What is Zandria Samuel’s direct phone number?
Zandria Samuel’s direct phone number is (404) ***-****
What is Zandria Samuel’s work phone number?
Zandria Samuel’s headquarters phone number is (404) 244-5100
What is Zandria Samuel’s latest job experience?
Zandria Samuel’s latest job experience is HR Coordinator at Resurgens Orthopaedics
Which industry does Zandria Samuel work in?
Zandria Samuel works in the industry of Government.
Who are Zandria Samuel’s peers at other companies?
Zandria Samuel’s peers at other companies are Julia Wescoatt, Deidre Francis, Suzanne Richeson, Crystal Klassen, Jeff Richter.
Who are Zandria Samuel’s colleagues?
Some of Zandria Samuel’s colleagues are Cliff Oliver, Lawrence DeFloria, Charles Lunsford, Domini Horne.
How can I contact Zandria Samuel?
Zandria Samuel contact details: Email address: z***@gci-ga.com Phone number: (404) ***-****
Who is Zandria Samuel?

Zandria Samuel is a Sales Representative at Georgia Correctional Industries based in Decatur, Georgia. Previously, Zandria was a HR Coordinator at Resurgens Orthopaedics and also held positions at State Farm, T-Mobile, DealerMatch, Delve, Jackson Healthcare.... Read More

Where is Zandria Samuel based?
Zandria Samuel works for Georgia Correctional Industries, located at United States
See more information about Zandria Samuel

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