Zaki Ahmadyar

Personal Fitness Trainer at Fitness Attitudes

Zaki Ahmadyar Email & Phone number

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Zaki Ahmadyar Work Experience Summary

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About Zaki Ahmadyar

Zaki Ahmadyar is a Personal Fitness Trainer at Fitness Attitudes based in Cannington, Western Australia. Previously, Zaki was a Company Director at Fitness Attitudes.Explore more

Zaki Ahmadyar Current Workplace

Fitness Attitudes

2007-present (18 years)

Fitness Attitudes is a boutique personal training service designed for the discerning client. Our experienced staff provide a service tailored to your specific needs and capabilities, allowing you to develop in the privacy of a one-on-one or small group setting. We guide you through the fitness process from setting achievable health and fitness goals to supporting and motivating you to achieve them. To help facilitate your fitness goals, we are proud to provide a stylish studio gym located only minutes from the CBD. With brand new, state-of-the-art equipment the studio provides the perfect environment for both cardiovascular and weight resistance training. We guarantee you amazing results because at Fitness Attitudes we are committed to making working out, losing weight and getting fit, fun and above all, rewarding. With affordable training packages and plenty of options, getting fit has never been easier.

Zaki Ahmadyar Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

Company Director

Fitness Attitudes


Org Chart - Fitness Attitudes


Personal Fitness Trainer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zaki Ahmadyar

What company does Zaki Ahmadyar work for?
Zaki Ahmadyar works for Fitness Attitudes as Personal Fitness Trainer
What is Zaki Ahmadyar’s role in Fitness Attitudes?
Zaki Ahmadyar’s role in Fitness Attitudes is Personal Fitness Trainer
What is Zaki Ahmadyar’s direct phone number?
Zaki Ahmadyar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Zaki Ahmadyar’s work phone number?
Zaki Ahmadyar’s headquarters phone number is +61 404847895
What is Zaki Ahmadyar’s latest job experience?
Zaki Ahmadyar’s latest job experience is Company Director at Fitness Attitudes
Which industry does Zaki Ahmadyar work in?
Zaki Ahmadyar works in the industry of Fitness & Dance Facilities, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Zaki Ahmadyar’s peers at other companies?
Zaki Ahmadyar’s peers at other companies are Jana Puttkammer, Katie Young, Roni Basaraba, Marty Inge, Richard Donaldson.
Who is Zaki Ahmadyar?

Zaki Ahmadyar is a Personal Fitness Trainer at Fitness Attitudes based in Cannington, Western Australia. Previously, Zaki was a Company Director at Fitness Attitudes.... Read More

Where is Zaki Ahmadyar based?
Zaki Ahmadyar works for Fitness Attitudes, located at Australia
See more information about Zaki Ahmadyar

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