
Zaid Sami

Manager, Information Technology at VC3

Zaid Sami Email & Phone number

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(647) ***-****

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About Zaid Sami

Zaid Sami is a Manager, Information Technology at VC3 based in Columbia, South Carolina.Explore more

Zaid Sami Current Workplace


2022-present (3 years)

Aim higher. That was our goal when we founded VC3 in 1994. Since then, even as our space has become an increasingly commoditized race to the bottom, we've been steadfast in our commitment to raising the bar. Our mission is to navigate the technology journey with growth-minded people. In doing so, we help municipalities and businesses get out of the IT trenches and back to their primary job functions.

Org Chart - VC3


Manager, Information Technology




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Zaid Sami

What company does Zaid Sami work for?
Zaid Sami works for VC3 as Manager, Information Technology
What is Zaid Sami’s role in VC3?
Zaid Sami’s role in VC3 is Manager, Information Technology
What is Zaid Sami’s email address?
Zaid Sami’s email address is z***@vc3.com
What is Zaid Sami’s business email address?
Zaid Sami’s business email address is z***@vc3.com
What is Zaid Sami’s direct phone number?
Zaid Sami’s direct phone number is (647) ***-****
What is Zaid Sami’s work phone number?
Zaid Sami’s headquarters phone number is (800) 787-1160
Which industry does Zaid Sami work in?
Zaid Sami works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Zaid Sami’s peers at other companies?
Zaid Sami’s peers at other companies are Syed Ali, Matthew Buckner, Martin English, Carl Lyons, Priyanka Malliya.
Who are Zaid Sami’s colleagues?
Some of Zaid Sami’s colleagues are Shane Harvey, Nika Gorji, Michelle Carnahan, Vince Byblow.
How can I contact Zaid Sami?
Zaid Sami contact details: Email address: z***@vc3.com Phone number: (647) ***-****
Who is Zaid Sami?

Zaid Sami is a Manager, Information Technology at VC3 based in Columbia, South Carolina.... Read More

Where is Zaid Sami based?
Zaid Sami works for VC3, located at United States
See more information about Zaid Sami

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